Cécile Ronc

Cécile Ronc, a painter based in Montreal, is currently pursuing a doctorate in research-creation at the Université du Québec à Montréal and is a graduate of the École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris. Her pictorial practice delves into what she calls “géonirisme,” exploring the sensory qualities of nature and the resonances they can awaken in us. Interested in the “ecology of vision,” she seeks to help shape a new culture of the living world, one in which nature is perceived “for itself,” without symbolic projection or serving as a mere mirror of human subjectivity.

She regularly exhibits her work in both solo and group shows. Her solo exhibition *Le luxuriant désert noir* at the Galerie d’art d’Outremont focused on the relationship between paint as matter and landscape as matter. At the McClure Gallery, her solo show *Le pays où l’on n’arrive jamais* investigated connections between landscapes and memory. *Paysages sans têtes*, presented at the Association Premier Regard in Paris, featured paintings initiated during her residency at the Casa de Velázquez, seeking to capture the successive impressions of a viewer in motion—thus reflecting how vision truly operates.