Hélène Latulippe

Hélène Latulippe is a Canadian artist based in Montréal. She has studied industrial design and in 2012, she has received a BFA from Concordia University in Montreal. She focuses primarily on visual arts since. She has also studied in France and Italy.

She has presented numerous solo and group exhibitions in venues that include Calgary, Toronto, UK, and Norway.  She has attended residencies in Norway, Montreal and Banff Center, as an independent resident in Leighton Colony Artists Studios, as part of the  Programme du Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec – Résidences d’artistes et d’écrivains québécois au Banff Centre.

 She received grants from “Le Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Québec” and from McGill University in Montreal. She is prize-winner of “La 9e biennale internationale d’estampe contemporaine de Trois-Rivières” 2015 for the quality of her work and Artist of the Year 2014, City of Montreal – Lachine district.

Her work is all ready collected and includes Air Canada, Banque Nationale du Canada, Concordia University and private collectors like lawyers, architects and designers offices.

Blocs Notes

2021 | 10 x 10 × 4 cm | Monotype and linocut mounted on wooden cube


Cascade Mountain in Fabruary

2019 | 229 × 97 cm | Fiberglass paper, interfacing paper coated with encaustic, linocut on interfacing paper


Cascade Mountain in July

2019 | 229 × 97 cm | Fiberglass paper, interfacing paper coated with encaustic, linocut on interfacing paper


49 Days to fall in Line

2017 | 87 x 103 cm chacun | Linocut on interfacing paper and various components

49 Days to Fall in Line

Detail | 87 x 103 cm


49 Days to Fall in Line

Detail | 87 x 103 cm


49 Days to Fall in Line

Detail | 87 x 103 cm


Scope of Shadows - Eminence grise

2016 | 107 x 220 cm | Linocut on interfacing paper


Scope of Shadows II - Grey Matter

2016 | 107x 234 cm | Linocut on interfacing paper


Scope of Shadows II - Egg of Columbus (item 1)

2016 | 97 x 293 cm | Linocut on interfacing paper


Scope of Shadows II - Egg of Columbus (item 2)

2016 | 97 x 211 cm | Linocut on interfacing paper


Shelter New Dream

2021 | 152 x 101 cm | Linography on wool


Protect New Dream

2021 | 152 x 101 cm | Linography on wool


Une envolée de lines / Flight of Lines

2019 | 200 x 200 x 200 cm | Linocut on interfacing and veil coated with encaustic


Embroidery on Code Lines II - Skylines

2014 | Polyptych, 336 x 127 cm | Wooden-spoon technique on Kraft paper and collage


Embroidery on Code Lines II - Crossing the line

2014 | Triptyque 222 x 127 cm | Wooden-spoon technique on Kraft paper and collage


Embroidery on Code Lines III - Identity (straight Stitch)

2014 | 168 x 127 cm | Wooden-spoon technique on Kraft paper and collage


Embroidery on Code Lines I - Interference on the Line C

2013 | 87 cm x 132 cm | Wooden-spoon technique on Kraft paper and collage


Embroidery on Code Lines II - Splitting the line

2014 | Triptyque, 222 x 127 cm | Wooden-spoon technique on Kraft paper and collage


Embroidery on Code Lines III - Identity (Scallop Stitch)

2014 | 168 x 127 cm | Wooden-spoon technique on Kraft paper and collage


Embroidery on Code Lines I - Interference on the Line A

2013 | 87 cm x 132 cm | Wooden-spoon technique on Kraft paper and collage


Broderie sur lignes de codes III - L’identité (point de bâti)

2014 | 168 cm x 127 cm | Wooden-spoon technique on Kraft paper and collage


Embroidery on Code Lines II - A Final Dot Punctuates the Line

2014 | Diptyque, 168 x 127 cm | Wooden-spoon technique on Kraft paper and collage


Embroidery on Code Lines I - Interference on the Line B

2013 | 87 cm x 132 cm | Wooden-spoon technique on Kraft paper and collage


Embroidery on Code Lines I - Interference on the Line E

2013 | 87 cm x 132 cm | Wooden-spoon technique on Kraft paper and collage


Embroidery on Code Lines I - Interference on the Line D

2013 | 87 cm x 132 cm | Wooden-spoon technique on Kraft paper and collage



2012 | Triptych, 76 x 228 cm | Drypoint
